Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Halloween 2010

My kids watch a lot of Netflix. Mostly they watch Avatar (Airbender not blue people.) I enjoy watching it too, which is good because I would have been lost when they told me what they wanted.
So if you aren't familar with the characters, here is the official site for each of the ones the kids picked this year:



Here is how they turned out:

P1020618.jpg picture by teljchall

A few notes:
James wanted to be Ang, but I nixed the idea when he insisted I could come up with a way to make him airbend. Sorry dude, I'm not putting fans up your sleeves. The thing on his head is a white swimcap that I put make-up on to fleshtone and sewed a section of a wig onto. It made his ears stick out, but he wouldn't wear it over them. The weapon is made of a ball, a coat hanger, a few oven liners, cardboard and aluminum tape.
Talitha helped make her costume. Her father didn't much like the idea of her first sewing experience being on a serger, as he lost a duel with one once, but oh well, she can meet a regular sewing machine later.
Jordan went through all the female characters before we settled on Katara. I just couldn't let her be Azula.


AutismPsyD said...

You are SO good at doing costumes! I hope the kids have a great time. I assume there's a Trunk or Treat activity in their near future.

Um, dare I make a comment about "ADvatar"???? Or should I not plan to be Freud this year?

Thora said...

Oops, typo fixed. That's what I get for being in a hurry all the time.